Schedule Essential Privacy Policy

Data Protection – Privacy Policy
The company Schwankl – Systems (subsequently called “Schwankl“ or referred to as “we“) as provider of this app takes the protection of personal data (also referred to as personal details) seriously and processes such data in accordance with the applicable laws and provisions regulating data protection that are currently in force in Germany. Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable person, such as the name, address, date of birth, e-mail, etc. This Privacy Policy informs you about the collection and processing of personal data that takes place when you use this app.

I. Data Controller
The Data Controller responsible for the processing of personal data as defined in the terms of the applicable laws and provisions regulating data protection is Schwankl – Systems, represented by the owner Mr. Simeon Schwankl, Andreas-Stief-Straße 3a, 91126 Schwabach, as published in the Legal Notice. If you have any questions you may contact us by phone: +49 (0)160/1887947 or send us an e-mail to:

II. Collection and Storage of Personal Data as well as Manner and Purpose of their Processing

1. When you download the mobile app the information necessary for the download will be transferred to the app store from which the app is downloaded, in particular your user name, e-mail address and the customer-ID of the corresponding app store account. The app store will also receive information about the time and date of the download, possibly payment details and the individual device code. We don’t have any influence on this collection of data and are not responsible for it. For further information about how the data are processed by the app store please refer to their website. We only process this information as far as it is necessary for downloading the app onto your mobile device.

When you are using the mobile app Schwankl collects and stores the following technical data in order to facilitate an easy operation of its functions:
• IP-address, • date and time of the access to the app,
• the amount of data transferred during the use of the app,
• the type of browser used and possibly the operation software installed on your mobile device,
• the language and version of the browser used.

This data is collected and processed in order to provide the establishment of a smooth connection and an easy use of the app as well as to ensure its stability and safety. The legal basis for processing personal data for these purposes can be found in Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f) of the GDPR. Our legitimate interest results out of the aforementioned purposes of the processing. The data are deleted once they are no longer necessary for achieving the purpose of their collection.

3. Before you can start using the app, we need to create a user account for the first user of our customer. For this purpose, we need to collect the name of the customers company, the first and last name of the user and his or her personnel number as identifier. These personal data as well as the password chosen by the user without us knowing it will be encrypted and stored safely in our database, which is hosted on servers in Germany. The data are not transferred to third parties and are only used to facilitate the contractual use of the app. The legal basis for the processing therefor is essentially your consent in accordance with art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a) GDPR, given to us on request, as well as, on the other side, the fact that the data are necessary for us to supply the contractual services. Hence another legal basis is art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b) GDPR.

4. The user can enter further data into the app in addition to the data mentioned above in no. 3. He or she can also create new accounts for further employees of the customer. For this purpose, the user has to provide the first and last names of the employee as well as the personnel number. The customer guarantees that the data is provided to us in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations and will obtain the corresponding consent of the data subjects, where necessary. Our customer manages shift schedules in the app, which also contain personal data and are visible for all the other users created by this customer. The legal basis for the data processing in this case is the contract entered into between us and the customer and art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b) GDPR.

III. Data Security, Duration of Storage and Deletion of Data
All the data mentioned above are stored locally in your mobile device and in our database on our servers. Apart from the encryption mentioned above we have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security which is meant to protect your data against accidental or unlawful alteration, partial or total loss, destruction or unauthorized disclosure of, or access to personal data.

2. Data are deleted once no longer necessary for achieving the purpose of their collection. In the interest of our customer, the shift schedules are stored for six months in each case and then deleted automatically. The data necessary for creating a login-account are only deleted once the account itself hast been deleted. Further storage of the data may occur if the European or national legislative has provided for this in Regulations, laws or other statutory provisions the Controller is obliged to adhere to.

IV. Your Rights as Data Subject
As Data Subject as defined in the GDPR you have the following rights which you can assert against Schwankl concerning your personal data:
• Right to receive information and access,
• Right to request rectification or erasure,
• Right to request the restriction of processing,
• Right to object to the processing,
• Right to withdraw your consent,
• Right to request the transfer of your personal information.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority about the way Schwankl processes your personal data. The competent authority is the one in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, the latter meaning at the seat of Schwankl.

You can assert these rights against us anytime. In order to do so please contact us directly. You will find the contact details at the beginning of this information (no. I).

V. Miscellaneous
This Privacy Policy is currently valid and has a status as of December 2018. It may become necessary to amend it due to further developments and enhancements of the app or due to altered legal or regulatory provisions. We will integrate the prevailing version of the Privacy Policy in updates at any one time so that it will always be available to you.